‘UK’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The "Majestic" at the Battle of the Nile, 1798
The "Majestic" at the Battle of the Nile, 1798
The "Speedy" Capturing the "Gamo"
The "Speedy" Capturing the "Gamo"
Portrait of Captain Gilbert Heathcote RN, 1779-1831
Portrait of Captain Gilbert Heathcote RN, 1779-1831
The Burning of the "London" by the Dutch
The Burning of the "London" by the Dutch
Right Honourable John Wheatley, MP, First Labour Minister of Health
Right Honourable John Wheatley, MP, First Labour Minister of Health
Nelle recenti elezioni politiche in Inghilterra, le donne hanno votato per la prima volta
Nelle recenti elezioni politiche in Inghilterra, le donne hanno votato per la prima volta
Girls' Grounds, Bournville
Girls' Grounds, Bournville
The Cod War
The Cod War