‘Turkey’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Trapper Boy, Turkey Knob Mine, Macdonald, W Va
Trapper Boy, Turkey Knob Mine, Macdonald, W Va
Puck Thanksgiving 1904
Puck Thanksgiving 1904
The British Fleet steaming up the Dardanelles
The British Fleet steaming up the Dardanelles
The Dardanelles operations: the landing of the Australians in Gallipoli, April 1915
The Dardanelles operations: the landing of the Australians in Gallipoli, April 1915
Durante la tragedia di Smirne
Durante la tragedia di Smirne
Nell'altipiano cirenaico, pattuglie degli alpini Vestone in ricognizione sui fianchi del Derna nei …
Nell'altipiano cirenaico, pattuglie degli alpini Vestone in ricognizione sui fianchi del Derna nei …
Lampas with roundels of the image of Christ in benedictory pose
Lampas with roundels of the image of Christ in benedictory pose
The Paris Exhibition
The Paris Exhibition