‘Transportation’ historical pictures (exact matches)

Active selection in cart:
King Edward VII on a train journey with President Emile Loubet of France
King Edward VII on a train journey with President Emile Loubet of France
Peter Faneuil
Peter Faneuil
Stephenson's "Rocket", Built 1829
Stephenson's "Rocket", Built 1829
The best in the market
The best in the market
Young American woman enjoying a punt ride on an English river
Young American woman enjoying a punt ride on an English river
Crewe Junction, looking North
Crewe Junction, looking North
Euclid Hall, West Side of Broadway, 85th to 86th Street
Euclid Hall, West Side of Broadway, 85th to 86th Street
Gainsborough Studios, nos, 222–224 West Fifty-ninth Street, between Seventh Avenue and Broadway, facing Central Park
Gainsborough Studios, nos, 222–224 West Fifty-ninth Street, between Seventh Avenue and Broadway, facing Central Park