‘Sunshine’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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A Gleam of Sunshine between the Storms, a Scene on the Battlefield of Game Tree Hill during the Truce
A Gleam of Sunshine between the Storms, a Scene on the Battlefield of Game Tree Hill during the Truce
Autumn Sunshine
Autumn Sunshine
Solar Motor
Solar Motor
Patty and Jessie winding mamma's wool
Patty and Jessie winding mamma's wool
The florist
The florist
Complicazioni … balnearie
Complicazioni … balnearie
Una Straordinaria Pesca Di Tonno Nella Tonnara D'Isolapiana, in Sardegna
Una Straordinaria Pesca Di Tonno Nella Tonnara D'Isolapiana, in Sardegna
Little folks in white
Little folks in white