‘St Michael’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Bird's-Eye View of Portsmouth Harbour
Bird's-Eye View of Portsmouth Harbour
Michiel de Ruyter as Lieutenant-Admiral
Michiel de Ruyter as Lieutenant-Admiral
St Michael Archangel hurls the rebellious angels down to the abyss (Revelation 12:7-9)
St Michael Archangel hurls the rebellious angels down to the abyss (Revelation 12:7-9)
Leaf from a Gondar Homiliary: St Michael Rescues the Faithful from the Flames of Hell
Leaf from a Gondar Homiliary: St Michael Rescues the Faithful from the Flames of Hell
How Susanna prayed and St Michael appeared to save her
How Susanna prayed and St Michael appeared to save her
How his God appointed St Michael Angel of Compassion and Mercy
How his God appointed St Michael Angel of Compassion and Mercy
Above: How the sick woman slept under a picture of St Michael and he appeared to her
Above: How the sick woman slept under a picture of St Michael and he appeared to her
Dorotheus and his wife depressed when the feast of St Michael was to be cancelled due to the month's want and hardship
Dorotheus and his wife depressed when the feast of St Michael was to be cancelled due to the month's want and hardship