‘Smelting Works’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Houghton, from Smelting Works
Houghton, from Smelting Works
Smelting Silver Ore From The Barrier Ranges At The Victorian Smelting Works
Smelting Silver Ore From The Barrier Ranges At The Victorian Smelting Works
Smelting works at Zeehan
Smelting works at Zeehan
Smelting works in Keppel Harbour, Singapore
Smelting works in Keppel Harbour, Singapore
Smelting Works, Broken Hill
Smelting Works, Broken Hill
Smelting Works, New Almaden
Smelting Works, New Almaden
Smelting Works at Denver
Smelting Works at Denver
Real Photographs, c 1939: Launceston, Tasmania
Real Photographs, c 1939: Launceston, Tasmania