‘Robert Barnes’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Mayor of Casterbridge
The Great Strike of Dock Labourers at the East End: Mr John Burns addressing the men on strike …
The Great Strike of Dock Labourers at the East End: Mr John Burns addressing the men on strike …
Helping Gardener
Helping Gardener
The Great Strike of Dock Labourers at the East End: The finance committee issuing relief tickets …
The Great Strike of Dock Labourers at the East End: The finance committee issuing relief tickets …
His First Visit to the Barber's, "Hard or Medium, Sir?"
His First Visit to the Barber's, "Hard or Medium, Sir?"
Unwelcome Visitors, Crows at a Tennis Party in India
Unwelcome Visitors, Crows at a Tennis Party in India
Toeing the Line, a Scene at one of the London Board Schools
Toeing the Line, a Scene at one of the London Board Schools
Autumn at the Seaside, a Stormy Day on the Parade at Hastings
Autumn at the Seaside, a Stormy Day on the Parade at Hastings