‘Protestant’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Fanatics Storming the Churches of Basle
Fanatics Storming the Churches of Basle
Illustration for Fox's Book of Martyrs, 1776 edition
Illustration for Fox's Book of Martyrs, 1776 edition
King's College Chapel in Cambridge, with a man in the foreground lying on a lawn
King's College Chapel in Cambridge, with a man in the foreground lying on a lawn
Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of All Saints’ Church, Wittenberg
Luther nailing his 95 Theses to the door of All Saints’ Church, Wittenberg
Christian Friedrich Schwarz
Christian Friedrich Schwarz
The Nave and Choir of the Mariakerk in Utrecht
The Nave and Choir of the Mariakerk in Utrecht
Death of Admiral de Coligny
Death of Admiral de Coligny
Queen Elizabeth receiving the French Ambassadors after St Bartholomew Massacre, from the painting by Wm F Yeames
Queen Elizabeth receiving the French Ambassadors after St Bartholomew Massacre, from the painting by Wm F Yeames