‘Portrait of Anthonie’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Portrait of Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek, Natural Philosopher and Zoologist in Delft
Portrait of Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek, Natural Philosopher and Zoologist in Delft
Portrait of Anthonie Willem Hendrik Nolthenius De Man
Portrait of Anthonie Willem Hendrik Nolthenius De Man
Portrait of Anthonie van Utenhove, Lord van Rijnesteyn, Colonel in the Army and Governor of Ostend
Portrait of Anthonie van Utenhove, Lord van Rijnesteyn, Colonel in the Army and Governor of Ostend
Portrait of Anthonie Perrenot, cardinal of Granvelle
Portrait of Anthonie Perrenot, cardinal of Granvelle
Portrait of Anthonie Schets, baron van Grobbendonck
Portrait of Anthonie Schets, baron van Grobbendonck
Portrait of Anthonie van Aesswijn
Portrait of Anthonie van Aesswijn
Portrait of Anthonie Schets, baron van Grobbendonck
Portrait of Anthonie Schets, baron van Grobbendonck
Portrait of Anthonie Heinsius
Portrait of Anthonie Heinsius