‘Poem’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Garden Fancies, the Flower's Name
Garden Fancies, the Flower's Name
Though he be a child and blind
Though he be a child and blind
Illustration for Poems by John Keats: Melancholy
Illustration for Poems by John Keats: Melancholy
Oh! wert thou in the cauld blast, on yonder lea
Oh! wert thou in the cauld blast, on yonder lea
Illustration by Gustave Dore for Milton's Paradise Lost, Book II, lines 1, 2
Illustration by Gustave Dore for Milton's Paradise Lost, Book II, lines 1, 2
Gunga Din
Gunga Din
Charge of the Light Brigade, Battle of Balaclava, Crimean War, 1854
Charge of the Light Brigade, Battle of Balaclava, Crimean War, 1854