‘Photographic’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Sea View House, a resort hotel in Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard
Sea View House, a resort hotel in Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard
Conference of the German society for medical history, meeting in Homburg, Germany, 1927: delegates
Conference of the German society for medical history, meeting in Homburg, Germany, 1927: delegates
Our wholesome macaroni drying in the dirty streets of Naples, Italy
Our wholesome macaroni drying in the dirty streets of Naples, Italy
Tintern Abbey, Nave from West
Tintern Abbey, Nave from West
President McKinley at his desk in the White House, Washington, USA
President McKinley at his desk in the White House, Washington, USA
On the Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad
On the Lake Superior and Mississippi Railroad
Over the falls. Mt Ida.
Over the falls. Mt Ida.