‘Philip of Spain’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Artists' Costume Ball at Prince's Hall, Piccadilly
The Artists' Costume Ball at Prince's Hall, Piccadilly
Winchester Cathedral: Queen Mary sat in this Chair when married in the Nave of this Cathedral in July 1554, to Philip …
Winchester Cathedral: Queen Mary sat in this Chair when married in the Nave of this Cathedral in July 1554, to Philip …
Queen Mary marying Prince Philip of Spain
Queen Mary marying Prince Philip of Spain
Irving as Philip of Spain
Irving as Philip of Spain
Philip of Spain
Philip of Spain
Irving As Philip of Spain
Irving As Philip of Spain
The Late Sir Henry Irving in all his Principal Characters
The Late Sir Henry Irving in all his Principal Characters
Philip of Spain as Neptune, riding in a chariot drawn by two sea horses
Philip of Spain as Neptune, riding in a chariot drawn by two sea horses