‘Pacific’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Electrical illuminations and the Tower of Jewels, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
Electrical illuminations and the Tower of Jewels, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
The Panama Canal, Pacific and Atlantic oceans kissing
The Panama Canal, Pacific and Atlantic oceans kissing
Arrival of Commodore Perry's Black Ships, Japan, 1853
Arrival of Commodore Perry's Black Ships, Japan, 1853
Luck was on Lieutenant John Kennedy's side in 1943
Luck was on Lieutenant John Kennedy's side in 1943
Magellan emerged from the straights into the Pacific ("Peaceful") Ocean
Magellan emerged from the straights into the Pacific ("Peaceful") Ocean
A salute of guns accompanied Jean de La Perouse's departure on a voyage of exploration off the Pacific
A salute of guns accompanied Jean de La Perouse's departure on a voyage of exploration off the Pacific
Le grandi vittorie giapponesi
Le grandi vittorie giapponesi