‘Norge’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Una data gloriosa nella storia dell'umanita, il Polo Nord, per la prima volta nei secoli …
Una data gloriosa nella storia dell'umanita, il Polo Nord, per la prima volta nei secoli …
Trout Fishing
Trout Fishing
The passage through Krokkleven at Ringerike in Norway
The passage through Krokkleven at Ringerike in Norway
Title page for "Lexicon of Noble Families in Denmark, Norway and the Duchies"
Title page for "Lexicon of Noble Families in Denmark, Norway and the Duchies"
Tunnel through snow, Hauklid Pass
Tunnel through snow, Hauklid Pass
Over the North Pole
Over the North Pole
Sarpfossen in Norway
Sarpfossen in Norway
Landscape. Motif from the Numme Valley in Norway.
Landscape. Motif from the Numme Valley in Norway.