‘Nieuwe’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Uiztlipuztli idolum Mexicanorum
Uiztlipuztli idolum Mexicanorum
A tomb above the tomb of Oranje-Nassau in Nieuwe Kerk in Delft
A tomb above the tomb of Oranje-Nassau in Nieuwe Kerk in Delft
View of the New Port of Texel
View of the New Port of Texel
The new wrong world
The new wrong world
Scene of warfare
Scene of warfare
New city hall in Munich
New city hall in Munich
Facade of the new temple (left)
Facade of the new temple (left)
Map of the Nieuwe Maas and a design for improving the waterway, 1863
Map of the Nieuwe Maas and a design for improving the waterway, 1863