‘Nicolaes Ryckmans’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Jefta is chased away by his brothers
Jefta is chased away by his brothers
Longitudinal section of the Palazzo Spinola in Genoa
Longitudinal section of the Palazzo Spinola in Genoa
Ground floor plan of the Palazzo Rostan Raggio in Genoa
Ground floor plan of the Palazzo Rostan Raggio in Genoa
Floor plan of the first floor of the Palazzo Gio Battista Grimaldi in Genoa
Floor plan of the first floor of the Palazzo Gio Battista Grimaldi in Genoa
Longitudinal section of the Villa Giustiniani-Cambiaso in Genoa
Longitudinal section of the Villa Giustiniani-Cambiaso in Genoa
Longitudinal section of the villa Pallavicino delle Peschiere in Genoa
Longitudinal section of the villa Pallavicino delle Peschiere in Genoa
Jefta is welcomed by his daughter
Jefta is welcomed by his daughter
Longitudinal section of the villa Pallavicino delle Peschiere in Genoa
Longitudinal section of the villa Pallavicino delle Peschiere in Genoa