‘Minister of State’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Minister of State SAW Sorensen
Minister of State SAW Sorensen
André hercules de fleury; former bishop of frejus, tutor to the king. Minister of state.
André hercules de fleury; former bishop of frejus, tutor to the king. Minister of state.
Ezechiel Spanhemius the book of the baron, serene
Ezechiel Spanhemius the book of the baron, serene
Franz Freiherr von Fürstenberg, Chur-Cölln, Minister of State of Münster, vicar general, canon and curator …
Franz Freiherr von Fürstenberg, Chur-Cölln, Minister of State of Münster, vicar general, canon and curator …
Charles Count Zichy de Vázsonykeö Minister of State and Conferences
Charles Count Zichy de Vázsonykeö Minister of State and Conferences
To a very illustrious and excellent man
To a very illustrious and excellent man
Richard count Belcredi; the extraordinary Reichsrat, police and. Minister of state (caricature from "kikeriki").
Richard count Belcredi; the extraordinary Reichsrat, police and. Minister of state (caricature from "kikeriki").
Ernst Christopher Count de Manteuffel, most serene king of Poland and elector of Saxony, minister of state, knight of …
Ernst Christopher Count de Manteuffel, most serene king of Poland and elector of Saxony, minister of state, knight of …