‘Jan Matthysz’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Map of Westphalia
Map of Westphalia
Underbust in Paleis Huis ten Bosch
Underbust in Paleis Huis ten Bosch
Side view and map of the Green Cabinet at Huis ten Bosch Palace
Side view and map of the Green Cabinet at Huis ten Bosch Palace
Front of a house on the Oudezijds Voorburgwal in Amsterdam
Front of a house on the Oudezijds Voorburgwal in Amsterdam
Huis ten Bosch Palace in a nutshell
Huis ten Bosch Palace in a nutshell
Map of the Vredenburg country estate in the Beemster
Map of the Vredenburg country estate in the Beemster
Under-breasts in Huis ten Bosch Palace
Under-breasts in Huis ten Bosch Palace
Floor plan of the first floor of Maastricht City Hall
Floor plan of the first floor of Maastricht City Hall