‘Hokusai Katsushika’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Yoshiwara Sparrow
Yoshiwara Sparrow
A sketch of Tago Bay at Ejiri along the Tokaido
A sketch of Tago Bay at Ejiri along the Tokaido
Snake chasing Mount Fuji
Snake chasing Mount Fuji
Umezawa manor in Sōshū
Umezawa manor in Sōshū
Left, a small man (a dwarf?) lifts a horse's tail with a bamboo rod to catch its faeces in a scoop
Left, a small man (a dwarf?) lifts a horse's tail with a bamboo rod to catch its faeces in a scoop
A communal bath house: women and children washing, a Buddhist nun shaving her head
A communal bath house: women and children washing, a Buddhist nun shaving her head
Seiobo looking at a painting of a branch of the peach tree of longevity upon which blossoms and fruit are borne at the …
Seiobo looking at a painting of a branch of the peach tree of longevity upon which blossoms and fruit are borne at the …
Dainagon tsunenobu
Dainagon tsunenobu