‘Hellas’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Interior of a Roman house
Interior of a Roman house
Circus Maximus, Rome
Circus Maximus, Rome
Dressing room of a noble woman of ancient Rome
Dressing room of a noble woman of ancient Rome
Phryne, Ancient Greek courtesan, on trial for impiety, 4th Century BC
Phryne, Ancient Greek courtesan, on trial for impiety, 4th Century BC
Megistias predicting the death of the company of Leonidas at Thermopylae
Megistias predicting the death of the company of Leonidas at Thermopylae
The Golden Age of Greece
The Golden Age of Greece
Interior of the Parthenon, Athens, with the colossal statue of the Greek goddess Athena
Interior of the Parthenon, Athens, with the colossal statue of the Greek goddess Athena
Roman tombs lining the Appian Way at the three mile marker
Roman tombs lining the Appian Way at the three mile marker