‘Harper's Weekly’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln Entering the Senate Chamber Before the Inauguration, from Harper's Weekly, March 16, 1861
Presidents Buchanan and Lincoln Entering the Senate Chamber Before the Inauguration, from Harper's Weekly, March 16, 1861
Latest from the Front—Our Friends the Mosquitoes Preparing and Off for the Summer Campaign
Latest from the Front—Our Friends the Mosquitoes Preparing and Off for the Summer Campaign
Pay-Day in the Army of the Potomac, from Harper's Weekly, February 28, 1863
Pay-Day in the Army of the Potomac, from Harper's Weekly, February 28, 1863
The Morning Walk
The Morning Walk
Thanksgiving Day – Arrival At the Old Home
Thanksgiving Day – Arrival At the Old Home
Thanksgiving in Camp
Thanksgiving in Camp
Chime of Thirteen Bells for Christ Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Chime of Thirteen Bells for Christ Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Ship-Building, Gloucester Harbor, from Harper's Weekly, October 11, 1873
Ship-Building, Gloucester Harbor, from Harper's Weekly, October 11, 1873