‘Habits’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Okrężne w Sandomierskiem, w albumie: The costumes of the Polish people followed by an exact description of their …
Okrężne w Sandomierskiem, w albumie: The costumes of the Polish people followed by an exact description of their …
Habit of Rubens wife in 1620, La femme de Rubens
Habit of Rubens wife in 1620, La femme de Rubens
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Habit of a lady of China in 1700, Autre dame Chinoise
Habit of a lady of China in 1700, Autre dame Chinoise
Punch cartoon: Suggested Illustration for Dr Darwin's Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants
Punch cartoon: Suggested Illustration for Dr Darwin's Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants
A conference between Louis XIV King of France and Philip IV KIng of Spain in 1660
A conference between Louis XIV King of France and Philip IV KIng of Spain in 1660
Winter habit of a Chinese Mandarin in 1700
Winter habit of a Chinese Mandarin in 1700
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