‘Greek God’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Apollo, ancient Greek god
Apollo, ancient Greek god
Clear glass shop round for liquid morphine, United States, 1 Made from clear glass, the label “SOL
Clear glass shop round for liquid morphine, United States, 1 Made from clear glass, the label “SOL
Apothecary's shop sign in the shape of the Sun, Europe, 1701
Apothecary's shop sign in the shape of the Sun, Europe, 1701
Pleated fan
Pleated fan
Aesculapius: the Greek god of healing: his head in bas-relief on a marble soda fountain in use in the Baildon & Son …
Aesculapius: the Greek god of healing: his head in bas-relief on a marble soda fountain in use in the Baildon & Son …
Dionysus, ancient Greek god
Dionysus, ancient Greek god
Aesculapius: the Greek god of healing
Aesculapius: the Greek god of healing
Triumphal procession of Eros, Ancient Greek God of love and sex
Triumphal procession of Eros, Ancient Greek God of love and sex