‘Godefroy Durand’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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With "Methuen's Horse" on the Way to Bechuanaland, South Africa
With "Methuen's Horse" on the Way to Bechuanaland, South Africa
At a Chilian Rodeo, dancing the Cueca
At a Chilian Rodeo, dancing the Cueca
Auvergnats' Ball in Paris
Auvergnats' Ball in Paris
The Huguenots in England: French Huguenot refugees landing at Dover in 1685
The Huguenots in England: French Huguenot refugees landing at Dover in 1685
Envoys from Abyssinia presenting King John's Gifts to Queen Victoria at Osborne
Envoys from Abyssinia presenting King John's Gifts to Queen Victoria at Osborne
The Queen's Visit to Epping Forest, the Opening Ceremony
The Queen's Visit to Epping Forest, the Opening Ceremony
The War in the East, with the Russians, a Standard Guard in the Bulgarian Camp at Plojesti
The War in the East, with the Russians, a Standard Guard in the Bulgarian Camp at Plojesti
Alexandria, Arabi Pasha and his Troops
Alexandria, Arabi Pasha and his Troops