‘December 1924’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Golf Clubland Caricatures
Golf Clubland Caricatures
Adolf Hitler, aged 35, on his release from Landesberg Prison, on 20 December 1924
Adolf Hitler, aged 35, on his release from Landesberg Prison, on 20 December 1924
Gloria Swanson, American actress and film star
Gloria Swanson, American actress and film star
Sir Basil Zaharoff, Greek arms dealer, industrialist and philanthropist
Sir Basil Zaharoff, Greek arms dealer, industrialist and philanthropist
Le novita dello sport
Le novita dello sport
Lubov Tchernicheva and Anton Dolin, ballet dancers
Lubov Tchernicheva and Anton Dolin, ballet dancers
La nuaova vittoria in Tripolitania
La nuaova vittoria in Tripolitania
Explosion of an industrial oxygen container in a factory, causing death: before filling the reservoir of a gas motor, …
Explosion of an industrial oxygen container in a factory, causing death: before filling the reservoir of a gas motor, …