‘Cimon’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Plants next to a forest road
Plants next to a forest road
Cimon and Pero (Caritas Romana)
Cimon and Pero (Caritas Romana)
A weeping Pero, breast-feeding Cimon, her starving imprisoned father
A weeping Pero, breast-feeding Cimon, her starving imprisoned father
Pero sucks the chained Cimon in prison
Pero sucks the chained Cimon in prison
Study for Cimon and Pero
Study for Cimon and Pero
Cimon and the Painter Polygnotus
Cimon and the Painter Polygnotus
Cimon and Pero
Cimon and Pero
Cimon returning to Athens at the instigation of Pericles
Cimon returning to Athens at the instigation of Pericles