‘Channels’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Golden Horn
The Golden Horn
Page from The Architect's, Surveyor's and Engineer's Compendium 1892
Page from The Architect's, Surveyor's and Engineer's Compendium 1892
Gall bladder channel of foot shaoyang, Chinese woodcut, Ming
Gall bladder channel of foot shaoyang, Chinese woodcut, Ming
Sound of Kerrera
Sound of Kerrera
Indian Gardens, India: Method of Cutting Water Channels
Indian Gardens, India: Method of Cutting Water Channels
Pericardium channel of arm jueyin, C17/18 Chinese book art
Pericardium channel of arm jueyin, C17/18 Chinese book art
Chinese MS acu-moxa point chart: Bladder channel
Chinese MS acu-moxa point chart: Bladder channel
Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Vine Pulse
Chinese/Japanese Pulse Image chart: Vine Pulse