‘Cavalcade’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Gathering in front of the tap cafe, child in the lower right looking at the camera
Gathering in front of the tap cafe, child in the lower right looking at the camera
Hunting with the New Forest Deerhounds
Hunting with the New Forest Deerhounds
Chateau Life starting for the Promenade
Chateau Life starting for the Promenade
A liqueur label illustrated with a French foot-soldier attacking a Polish cavalcade
A liqueur label illustrated with a French foot-soldier attacking a Polish cavalcade
The Cavalcade of October 26, 1722, the day after the coronation of Louis XV
The Cavalcade of October 26, 1722, the day after the coronation of Louis XV
Bull-Fighting at Bayonne, the Cavalcade proceeding to the Arena in the Place de Saint-Esprit
Bull-Fighting at Bayonne, the Cavalcade proceeding to the Arena in the Place de Saint-Esprit
Calvalcade du Bœuf Gras, parade place de la Concorde, 8th arrondissement, Paris
Calvalcade du Bœuf Gras, parade place de la Concorde, 8th arrondissement, Paris
Advertisement for Booth's Gin, 1937
Advertisement for Booth's Gin, 1937