‘Caracalla’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The emperor Caracalla about to be killed by Julius Martialis
The emperor Caracalla about to be killed by Julius Martialis
Carbuncle ring stone with portrait of Severan(?) ruler, Caracalla or Geta, in the Augustan style
Carbuncle ring stone with portrait of Severan(?) ruler, Caracalla or Geta, in the Augustan style
Lot of Caracalla's Terme
Lot of Caracalla's Terme
Denarius with Bust of Caracalla
Denarius with Bust of Caracalla
Medallion with Roman Emperor Caracalla
Medallion with Roman Emperor Caracalla
Römische Ruinen mit Tonnengewölbe: die Bäder des Caracalla
Römische Ruinen mit Tonnengewölbe: die Bäder des Caracalla
Portrait des Bildhauers Martin van den Bogaert, gen. Desjardins.
Portrait des Bildhauers Martin van den Bogaert, gen. Desjardins.
ROME – Baths of Caracalla
ROME – Baths of Caracalla