‘Cambridge’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Byron caused quite a stir with his pet bear in the streets of Cambridge
Byron caused quite a stir with his pet bear in the streets of Cambridge
Cambridge House, Piccadilly, London, the town residence of Lord Palmerston
Cambridge House, Piccadilly, London, the town residence of Lord Palmerston
King's College Chapel, Cambridge
King's College Chapel, Cambridge
Oliver Cromwell
Oliver Cromwell
Milton's Mulberry Tree in the Fellows' Garden, Christ's College
Milton's Mulberry Tree in the Fellows' Garden, Christ's College
The Performance of the "Electra" of Sophocles by Ladies at Girton College, near Cambridge
The Performance of the "Electra" of Sophocles by Ladies at Girton College, near Cambridge
University Hoods and Gowns: Cambridge University, Bachelor of Arts, BA, Cantab
University Hoods and Gowns: Cambridge University, Bachelor of Arts, BA, Cantab
Newnham College, the Three "Halls"
Newnham College, the Three "Halls"