‘Business’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Tea Urn Makers, IH Barlow, trade card
Tea Urn Makers, IH Barlow, trade card
Shop of Samuel Knights, printseller and frame maker, 3 Sweetings Alley, Cornhill, City of London
Shop of Samuel Knights, printseller and frame maker, 3 Sweetings Alley, Cornhill, City of London
Mary Cassatt Self-Portrait
Mary Cassatt Self-Portrait
Vans loading up for the morning delivery of Idris waters
Vans loading up for the morning delivery of Idris waters
John Pierpont Morgan
John Pierpont Morgan
Do you mean business young man or are you only fooling?
Do you mean business young man or are you only fooling?
Advertisement: This shop and business to be disposed of
Advertisement: This shop and business to be disposed of