‘Buses’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The Crystal Palace in London
The Crystal Palace in London
A Popular Cockney Resort: The Crowd at the Foot of Highgate Hill on Bank Holiday
A Popular Cockney Resort: The Crowd at the Foot of Highgate Hill on Bank Holiday
Fifth Avenue Bus, Washington Square, Manhattan
Fifth Avenue Bus, Washington Square, Manhattan
London's first horse-drawn buses
London's first horse-drawn buses
Un curioso disastro tranviario a Glasgow (Scozia)
Un curioso disastro tranviario a Glasgow (Scozia)
London Smog, 1952
London Smog, 1952
Mansion House and Cheapside, London, c 1900
Mansion House and Cheapside, London, c 1900
Holborn Viaduct, London, c 1900
Holborn Viaduct, London, c 1900