‘BT’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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BM, BN, BO, BP, Monogram for Sporting Vehicles, BT, BR, BS, BV, BW, BY, BZ
BM, BN, BO, BP, Monogram for Sporting Vehicles, BT, BR, BS, BV, BW, BY, BZ
Urinoir a 3 stalles, ardoise et maconnerie, Bt. IE Boulevart Ornano.
Urinoir a 3 stalles, ardoise et maconnerie, Bt. IE Boulevart Ornano.
BT ob peccata publica unius Sacerdotis se flagellata
BT ob peccata publica unius Sacerdotis se flagellata
Sir James Paget Bt
Sir James Paget Bt
"The Angel of Peace"
"The Angel of Peace"
Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Bt
Sir Thomas Lauder Brunton, Bt
Ruins of the Abbey of Villers in Villers-la-Ville
Ruins of the Abbey of Villers in Villers-la-Ville
One does all three
One does all three