‘Artus Quellinus’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Portrait of Andries de Graeff
Portrait of Andries de Graeff
Aeneas, Carrying his Father Anchises, Escapes from Burning Troy
Aeneas, Carrying his Father Anchises, Escapes from Burning Troy
Title page: Pilaster Festonnen.
Title page: Pilaster Festonnen.
Image of Temperantia (Sobriety) on the rear facade of the City Hall on Dam Square
Image of Temperantia (Sobriety) on the rear facade of the City Hall on Dam Square
Portrait of Artus Quellinus
Portrait of Artus Quellinus
Lunette with putti, wolves and armor in the western gallery of the City Hall on Dam Square
Lunette with putti, wolves and armor in the western gallery of the City Hall on Dam Square
Relief with personification of the element Air over arch in the Civic Hall of the City Hall on Dam Square
Relief with personification of the element Air over arch in the Civic Hall of the City Hall on Dam Square