‘Armored’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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British tanks in North Africa, World War II
British tanks in North Africa, World War II
British Matilda II infantry tank, World War II
British Matilda II infantry tank, World War II
Episodi di valore in Cirenaica
Episodi di valore in Cirenaica
Erwin Rommel, German commander of the Afrika Korps, World War II, 1941-1943
Erwin Rommel, German commander of the Afrika Korps, World War II, 1941-1943
Battle of El Alamein, North Africa, World War II, 1942
Battle of El Alamein, North Africa, World War II, 1942
Crew of a German Panzer IV tank surrendering to British soldiers in North Africa, World War II
Crew of a German Panzer IV tank surrendering to British soldiers in North Africa, World War II
On the Somme, Britain's new armoured weapon, the tank, was a fiasco
On the Somme, Britain's new armoured weapon, the tank, was a fiasco
60 ton American M6 heavy tank, World War II
60 ton American M6 heavy tank, World War II