‘Architect’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Plan of new schools, Great Hunter Street Schools, Old Kent Road
Plan of new schools, Great Hunter Street Schools, Old Kent Road
Title Plate, plate 1 from Carceri d'Invenzione di G[iovanni] Battista Piranesi, Archit[etto] Vene[ziano] (Imaginary …)
Title Plate, plate 1 from Carceri d'Invenzione di G[iovanni] Battista Piranesi, Archit[etto] Vene[ziano] (Imaginary …)
Business Premises, Cardiff
Business Premises, Cardiff
Bank of England, Sir John Soane's fronts
Bank of England, Sir John Soane's fronts
Page from The Architect's, Surveyor's and Engineer's Compendium 1892
Page from The Architect's, Surveyor's and Engineer's Compendium 1892
Albert Hall Mansions, South Kensington
Albert Hall Mansions, South Kensington
Page from The Architect's, Surveyor's and Engineer's Compendium 1892
Page from The Architect's, Surveyor's and Engineer's Compendium 1892
Offa, King of Mercia, watching his dyke being built, 8th Century
Offa, King of Mercia, watching his dyke being built, 8th Century