‘Arch’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Arch of Titus
Arch of Titus
Arch of the Goldsmiths, – text
Arch of the Goldsmiths, – text
The Wonderful Story of Britain: The Clothes of the Saxons and Normans
The Wonderful Story of Britain: The Clothes of the Saxons and Normans
View of the Arch of Constantine with the Colosseum
View of the Arch of Constantine with the Colosseum
Triumphal Arch of Titus, Rome, Italy
Triumphal Arch of Titus, Rome, Italy
Arch of Titus, Rome
Arch of Titus, Rome
Veduta dell'Arco di Constantino (View of the Arch of Constantine), from Vedute di Roma (Views of Rome)
Veduta dell'Arco di Constantino (View of the Arch of Constantine), from Vedute di Roma (Views of Rome)
The Great Fire of London
The Great Fire of London