‘Alexander VII’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Portrait of Pope Alexander VII
Portrait of Pope Alexander VII
Rzym – 'The Capitol restably by Popes Innocent X and Alexander VII
Rzym – 'The Capitol restably by Popes Innocent X and Alexander VII
Rome – "Veüe et Perspective de l'Eglise de S te Marie de la paix batie magnifiquement par le Pape / Alexandre VII"
Rome – "Veüe et Perspective de l'Eglise de S te Marie de la paix batie magnifiquement par le Pape / Alexandre VII"
Perspectives of 8 buildings and monuments commissioned by Alexander VII during his pontificate [graphic]
Perspectives of 8 buildings and monuments commissioned by Alexander VII during his pontificate [graphic]
Portrait of Cardinal Antonio Bichi
Portrait of Cardinal Antonio Bichi
Fall of Icarus
Fall of Icarus
Leander swims to Hero across the Hellespont / Pan chasing Syrinx
Leander swims to Hero across the Hellespont / Pan chasing Syrinx
Apollo and Hyacinthus
Apollo and Hyacinthus