‘Aime Felix Tschiffely’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Aime Felix Tschiffely
Aime Felix Tschiffely
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Along the Trail of Gold
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Along the Trail of Gold
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Deep in the Jungle
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Deep in the Jungle
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Across the Chasm
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Across the Chasm
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Parting from a Faithful Steed
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Parting from a Faithful Steed
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Across the Dizzy Heights
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Across the Dizzy Heights
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: End of an Epic Journey
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: End of an Epic Journey
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Sandstorm and Hurricane
Ten Thousand Miles on Horseback: Sandstorm and Hurricane