‘40’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The British Character, Absolute indispensability of Bacon and Eggs for Breakfast
The British Character, Absolute indispensability of Bacon and Eggs for Breakfast
Le Md. De Chaines du Suretes. La chaine de surete ainsi nommee par ce qu'elle est … from Bohemiens de Paris.
Le Md. De Chaines du Suretes. La chaine de surete ainsi nommee par ce qu'elle est … from Bohemiens de Paris.
Frieze of Dancers
Frieze of Dancers
Boncompagni-Ludovisi-Ottoboni Marriage Casket
Boncompagni-Ludovisi-Ottoboni Marriage Casket
Green Meadows
Green Meadows
Leaf from a Book of Hours: Christ being Nailed to the Cross
Leaf from a Book of Hours: Christ being Nailed to the Cross
The United States Senate AD 1850
The United States Senate AD 1850
Spanish Dancer Wearing a Lace Mantilla
Spanish Dancer Wearing a Lace Mantilla