‘1820’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Friedrich Engels, German Marxist philosopher and co-author of the Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx
Friedrich Engels, German Marxist philosopher and co-author of the Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx
The Sculpture Gallery of the Felix Meritis Society
The Sculpture Gallery of the Felix Meritis Society
Etrenne pour le Jour de 1An 1820/ Preservatif certain contre la Piqure
Etrenne pour le Jour de 1An 1820/ Preservatif certain contre la Piqure
William Penn's treaty with the Indians, when he founded the province of Pennsylvania in North America 1681
William Penn's treaty with the Indians, when he founded the province of Pennsylvania in North America 1681
The Farmyard
The Farmyard
Shakspeare. Hamlet, act IV, scene V.
Shakspeare. Hamlet, act IV, scene V.
Jeremiah Dictating His Prophecy of the Destruction of Jerusalem to Baruch the Scribe
Jeremiah Dictating His Prophecy of the Destruction of Jerusalem to Baruch the Scribe
William Bradley, a giant
William Bradley, a giant