‘1720–1778’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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The state of the nation
The state of the nation
Veduta della Basilica di S Paolo fuor delle mura, eretta da Constantino Magno (View of the Basilica of San Paolo fuori …)
Veduta della Basilica di S Paolo fuor delle mura, eretta da Constantino Magno (View of the Basilica of San Paolo fuori …)
Portrait of Girodet
Portrait of Girodet
A collection of prints, from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the dramatic works of Shakspeare / by …
A collection of prints, from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the dramatic works of Shakspeare / by …
A collection of prints, from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the dramatic works of Shakspeare / by …
A collection of prints, from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the dramatic works of Shakspeare / by …
Mantel Clock (Pendule)
Mantel Clock (Pendule)
A collection of prints, from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the dramatic works of Shakspeare / by …
A collection of prints, from pictures painted for the purpose of illustrating the dramatic works of Shakspeare / by …
The Battle of Trafalgar
The Battle of Trafalgar