‘1431–1506’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Castle built by Philip Augustus of France and tower where Joan of Arc was imprisoned in 1431 before her execution, …
Castle built by Philip Augustus of France and tower where Joan of Arc was imprisoned in 1431 before her execution, …
Joan of Arc, French heroine of the Hundred Years War
Joan of Arc, French heroine of the Hundred Years War
Martirio di S Jacopo Apostolo dipinto a fresco da Andrea Mantegna nella Chiesa degli Eremitani di Padova (Martyrdom of …)
Martirio di S Jacopo Apostolo dipinto a fresco da Andrea Mantegna nella Chiesa degli Eremitani di Padova (Martyrdom of …)
Christopher Columbus, Genoese explorer
Christopher Columbus, Genoese explorer
The Death of Columbus
The Death of Columbus
The crucifixion
The crucifixion
Foundation of the Hospital of the Latina in Madrid in 1506
Foundation of the Hospital of the Latina in Madrid in 1506
Christopher Columbus, Genoese navigator
Christopher Columbus, Genoese navigator