‘warlike’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Aboriginal life among the Navajoe Indians, near old Fort Defiance, NM
Aboriginal life among the Navajoe Indians, near old Fort Defiance, NM
A South Indian Village
A South Indian Village
Japanese samurai warriors on horseback
Japanese samurai warriors on horseback
The Swedish intelligencer. The first part.
The Swedish intelligencer. The first part.
Mungo Park
Mungo Park
Singhpo, warlike frontier tribe (Laos), Southern frontier of Assam
Singhpo, warlike frontier tribe (Laos), Southern frontier of Assam
Asahel slain by Abner, 2 Samuel II, ver 23
Asahel slain by Abner, 2 Samuel II, ver 23
Triumph of David, Psalm XVIII
Triumph of David, Psalm XVIII