‘vehicle’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Barricade during the Easter Rising, Dublin, Ireland, 24 April 1916
Barricade during the Easter Rising, Dublin, Ireland, 24 April 1916
Cricklewood Garage
Cricklewood Garage
Space Lab 1
Space Lab 1
Santa Claus delivering presents by car
Santa Claus delivering presents by car
The Royal Mail Coach on the Road
The Royal Mail Coach on the Road
Il carro d'assalto anfibio, un nuovissimo tipo di tank, durante le prove compiute per conto del …
Il carro d'assalto anfibio, un nuovissimo tipo di tank, durante le prove compiute per conto del …
The oldest known wheeled vehicle
The oldest known wheeled vehicle
A stud vehicle. Through the thicket. Hammerum Herred.
A stud vehicle. Through the thicket. Hammerum Herred.