‘urban’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Alberico da Barbiano receives a flag from Pope Urban VI saying "Italy liberated from the Barbarians", 1379
Alberico da Barbiano receives a flag from Pope Urban VI saying "Italy liberated from the Barbarians", 1379
Nature's Kingdom: The Fox is Coming to Town
Nature's Kingdom: The Fox is Coming to Town
Pope Urban II preaching the First Crusade, 1095
Pope Urban II preaching the First Crusade, 1095
Women's fashion by designer Georges Doeuillet, 1920s
Women's fashion by designer Georges Doeuillet, 1920s
Renaissance, Upper Cheyne Row, SW
Renaissance, Upper Cheyne Row, SW
Electric locomotive for underground railways, 1900
Electric locomotive for underground railways, 1900
Olissippo quae nunc Lisboa ciuitas amplissima Lusi taniae, ad Tagum, toti Orientis, et multarum insularum Aphricaeque …
Olissippo quae nunc Lisboa ciuitas amplissima Lusi taniae, ad Tagum, toti Orientis, et multarum insularum Aphricaeque …
The city
The city