‘tower’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Behind the clock-dial, Big Ben and the Clock Tower, Westminster Palace
Behind the clock-dial, Big Ben and the Clock Tower, Westminster Palace
Lawrence Nightgall dragging Cicely down the secret stairs in the Salt Tower
Lawrence Nightgall dragging Cicely down the secret stairs in the Salt Tower
Christmas scene
Christmas scene
Some of the Designs for the Great Tower in London proposed by Sir Edward Watkin, MP
Some of the Designs for the Great Tower in London proposed by Sir Edward Watkin, MP
The River and Tower Bridge from the Monument, London
The River and Tower Bridge from the Monument, London
Tom Tower, Oxford, England
Tom Tower, Oxford, England
John Burns addressing a meeting of dockers on Tower Hill
John Burns addressing a meeting of dockers on Tower Hill
Le phare de Cordouan et son ile au seizieme siecle
Le phare de Cordouan et son ile au seizieme siecle