‘theater’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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A critical audience on the subject of "step-dancing"
A critical audience on the subject of "step-dancing"
Falstaff from Henry IV, Part 1
Falstaff from Henry IV, Part 1
Plan restaure du theatre de Marcellus, a Rome
Plan restaure du theatre de Marcellus, a Rome
Shakespeare's King Lear
Shakespeare's King Lear
Miss Romer as Joan of Arc, stage, tinsel
Miss Romer as Joan of Arc, stage, tinsel
Russian actor Vasily Kachalov as Ivan in The Brothers Karamazov, c1910
Russian actor Vasily Kachalov as Ivan in The Brothers Karamazov, c1910
All's Well That Ends Well
All's Well That Ends Well
Modern Wonders, 1938: Modern Cinema Operating Box
Modern Wonders, 1938: Modern Cinema Operating Box