‘swivel’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Desk Chair with Swivel Mechanism
Desk Chair with Swivel Mechanism
Swivel in man-of-war's top, 1805
Swivel in man-of-war's top, 1805
Scarab with Herakles Holding a Club and a Bow Set in a Swivel Ring
Scarab with Herakles Holding a Club and a Bow Set in a Swivel Ring
Royal Naval Exhibition, Ancient and Modern Guns, Crank-Shaft and Boiler-Shell
Royal Naval Exhibition, Ancient and Modern Guns, Crank-Shaft and Boiler-Shell
The Coming of Guns. The gun-crew on an Elizabethan ship
The Coming of Guns. The gun-crew on an Elizabethan ship
Swivel Gun and Two Charges of Grape Shot
Swivel Gun and Two Charges of Grape Shot
Hollow scarab in swivel ring
Hollow scarab in swivel ring
Catalogue for the Motor and Cycle Trades, c 1925
Catalogue for the Motor and Cycle Trades, c 1925