‘striking’ historical pictures (exact matches)

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Satire on Franco-German relations. Illustration for Le Rire.
Satire on Franco-German relations. Illustration for Le Rire.
Shop workers strike in a West End store, London, 1920s
Shop workers strike in a West End store, London, 1920s
Les Truites De La Narenta
Les Truites De La Narenta
Less dangerous than careless talk. Don't discuss troop movements, ship sailings, war equipment.
Less dangerous than careless talk. Don't discuss troop movements, ship sailings, war equipment.
An Evening Coiffure, Eugene Process
An Evening Coiffure, Eugene Process
Ultra-modern streamlined mode, executed by Newstead, Gallia process
Ultra-modern streamlined mode, executed by Newstead, Gallia process
The "Esau Lady"
The "Esau Lady"
Dante Striking Against Bocca Degli Abbati
Dante Striking Against Bocca Degli Abbati